Own your feed!
In the era of selfies, filters, and influencers, it comes as no surprise that many tweens (9 to 13 year olds) feel huge pressure to meet unrealistic expectations. This was a passion project completed for my final honours year. The aim was to produce a guide that encourages tweens to think about how their time on social media impacts their mental health and wellbeing. The guide is an illustrative booklet called ‘Own Your Feed’ and is all about staying positive and remembering the bigger picture when using social media. ‘Own Your Feed’ also has a space on Instagram - posting regular prompts, tips and updates.
Older generations haven’t grown up fully immersed in the digital world, and so, don’t necessarily have the tools as parents to help support their children online. The pressure to be perfect isn’t new, but navigating these pressures on social media is! This led to the idea of targeting tweens with a product that could help them take charge of their digital experience and develop a sense of personal autonomy. The project is targeted at young people, but anyone can feel pressure online and so anyone can benefit from the few simple straightforward tips in the guide.
The illustrative yellow mobile phone character takes the user on a journey through different kinds of pressures on social media, offering ways to take charge of online experiences in positive ways. The goal was to encourage people to become active creators of their own feed content, and not just passive consumers of generic content. The title ‘Own Your Feed’, reinforces the concept that YOU are the one in control!