quirks of cuba street


This was a photography project. The project brief was to photograph a transitional space of our choice. Having just moved to Wellington, I was fascinated by Cuba Street, and its vibrant, intriguing presence, so decided to use it as my subject. 

After initial shoots, I began looking deeper, to isolate the subtle quirks that add to the street’s funky and unique vibe. I decided to focus on the quirks themselves, rather than the surrounding people and spaces, to enhance the distinct elements that add to the street’s unique feel. This was achieved through close-up shots and by cropping images using Adobe Bridge. As a result, when you view the series, you’re unaware of the exact location until you see the final image, which clearly says ‘CUBA’. 

Cuba Street is a transitional space where people can come and leave their mark in whatever way they please. By isolating these quirks, we think more about how they originated, making us realise that each one has been created by an anonymous person or artist. 


Only Honest


Housing the Future